Vanity mirrors are used all over the world by people who want to feel like they’re royalty. As professional beauty equipment is becoming more popular, new styles and designs are being constantly released. These mirrors now come in sizes ranging between 10 and 70 inches in diameter. But whether you opt for a small or large vanity mirror will not affect the feature’s sophistication. The only thing you have to factor in when deciding on the vanity dimensions is where you want to place it and what you intend on using it for. 

Double Vanity Dimensions

Double vanities can be put to good use in a master bathroom or dressing rooms. Double vanity dimensions can range from 42 inches to more than 60 inches, depending on how much extra space you want.

In a master bathroom, a double vanity mirror will allow you to start every morning off with the best form of self-care: an elaborate beauty routine. Nothing beats the feeling of walking out of your house and knowing that you look your best. It’s a sure-fire way to break a heart. By putting a double vanity mirror in a dressing room, multiple performers can share it, maximizing both limited space and spending.

large vanity mirrors

The Benefits Of A Small Vanity Mirror

Small vanity mirrors are perfect for those with limited space, such as college students or private makeup artists. They are also much more affordable than their larger counterparts. Typically, small vanity dimensions are typically between 25  and 35 inches in diameter, but travel vanity cases are great alternatives as well. Especially for people who are constantly on the go but don’t want to have to sacrifice their beauty routine.

The Benefits Of A Large Vanity Mirror

Large vanity mirrors can provide better lighting and more space than small vanity mirrors. For those who use more products (which would require extra storage space) or spend more time generally at the vanity, this is the better option. Because large vanity mirrors are more elaborate, and thus more expensive, beauty and entertainment industry professionals make up the majority of the market.

No longer is it necessary to spend thousands of dollars on a vanity set. New creations of equally luxurious, yet affordable vanity mirrors have completely changed the game. Both the small and large vanity mirrors that we offer at Freedah Luxury come with features such as sensitive touch switches, a Bluetooth sound system, USB chargers, and a light aluminum body. It is luxury at its finest. You don’t have to be a Hollywood mogul to feel like one, and with our vanity mirrors, it’s not that hard.